10 sheets of Premium French Unwired 'Fast Build' Wax Super Foundation - Thomas Apiculture
341mm x 127mm
Suitable for National, Smiths or WBC Bee Hives
Beekeeping Supplies UK Ltd - shipped from our Kent Warehouse
Thomas Apiculture - Our wax is purified, sterilized and embossed in our workshop in Fay-aux-Loges. It is obtained by casting. Our wax is by nature more brittle and needs to be handled with care. We recommend that you store it in a room at room temperature (20 - 25°C) the day before it is used. A reduced time between the waxing of the frame in temperature and its installation will further enhance its palatability. In the light, it is normal for natural wax to whiten over time.
Thomas Apiculture History-
- Serving Beekeepers since 1905
-The reputation of the company is due initially to their beeswax. Beekeeper bayberry, Emile Thomas was one of the first embossing
-French designer & manufacturer of beekeeping equipment
-3 facilities in France: Fay-aux-Loges, La Bernerie en-Retz and Gigean